Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Middle School Students of the Month (May)

Landon Coughlan (6)
Landon is especially kind and helpful
and shows strong leadership skills.
Hannah Colford (7M)
Hannah has been a great help with the "Go for 42"
and is a hardworking student. 

Click "read more" below to see all the students

Calvin Keenan (7W)
Calvin is a hard working student with improved
behaviour and academic achievement.
Laura Colford (8O)
Laura is a strong leader and always takes initiative to
get things done. She is involved in many activities,
maintains good grades and is always willing to help out. 
Malcolm Vickers (8M)
Malcolm is hard working and especially kind
and helpful. He shows respect for others and has
made outstanding efforts that have resulted in
academic improvement.