Friday, December 22, 2017

Christmas Viewpoint - Kids Korner

What are you most excited for on Christmas Break? What do you want for Christmas?

Aden Munn
"I am excited for going to a camp with my family and 
cousins and opening our presents! 
I asked for a hover board from Santa!"
Amelia Chiasson
"I am most excited to sing with my family! 
I asked for a Stikbot from Santa."

Sophie Hannah
I am excited for having sleepovers with my friends over the break!
 I also asked for a LOL Doll from Santa." 

Ben Hamilton
 I am excited for Santa to come to my house and bring presents! 
I asked for StarWars Legos from Santa!"
Bronson Sutherland  
"I am excited for Santa to come. 
I also asked for a Playstation with some games for it!"

By Laura Kelly, Tiffany Tucker and Delanie Coughlan