The two groups had worked hard all semester to perfect their plays, spending countless hours practicing and doing dress rehearsals, and all of their time and effort really paid off. Both performances went smoothly, and the two groups returned home with a number of awards.
"Cheque Please", performed by our Theatre Arts class, was the first to go on. Their performance in the Memorial Hall earned them an astounding 11 awards, including Outstanding Production and Outstanding Use of Set. The awards for Outstanding Supporting Actor went to Darian Donovan, Noah Donovan, Daniel Richard, and Eve Pond. Jules Keenan And Nicholas Hallihan received the Outstanding Actor awards. Samuel Keenan and Cassidy Coughlan also received the Special Adjudicator's Mention for Sound and Lights. Ms. Cheryl Underhill was presented with the Outstanding Teacher Director award as well.

Blackville Schools participation in the 2018 NB Drama Festival was evidently successful. It's safe to say that there is no shortage of talent among our students.
Article by Samuel Keenan