Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Elementary Students Receive Recognition After First Report Card Period

Mr. Buggie presenting Becca Hallihan her award for achievement
 in Physical Education. 
This past Thursday, November 28th, select elementary students received awards of recognition to celebrate a successful first report period.

Based on their performance during the past term, the elementary teachers chose well-deserving students to receive awards for a variety of things.

Based on academics and behavior, awards such as the Positive Attitude Award, The Cooperation Award, as well as achievement awards in Math, Reading, Writing, Physical Education, Speaking and Listening, and others were awarded.

These awards were provided as a form of encouragement for the awarded students to continue their hard work, and for those who did not receive anything this time around to have something as motivation to work towards. 

Well done to all elementary students, the teachers and staff hope that the students will keep up their hard work!

To view the rest of the recognition pictures, click here